A23: Proven Zero Outcomes.

Driven by Our ‘Now and Next’ Philosophy.

Cyber security is defined by constantly evolving technology and never-ending threats.

The reality for CISO’s and CIO’s is that cyber threats can only be neutralised. Not stopped by a ‘set-and-forget’ solution.

The Hard Truth: To stay resilient, Zero-Trust requires constant vigilance.

The Good News: A23 can assess and identify how to optimise and build ongoing capability in your current cyber security posture.

Government leads the way on Zero Trust Uptake. A23 is the recognised leader in delivering Zero outcomes.

The extent and impact of cyber incidents has elevated Cyber Security as a critical Federal Government strategy.

We are the go-to team for Government agencies needing frameworks that deliver successful Zero Trust outcomes, now and for the future.

We view cyber security as an agile philosophy to neutralise threats;, not a one-off technology solution.

A23: Experts in Expediting Zero Trust Outcomes.

2016. A group of Specialists, from different backgrounds and technical disciplines, are hired as the solution-design team for a large government program.

The individual skills and services are powerful, and complementary. Diverse viewpoints and experience create valuable perspectives, and solutions.

They challenge each other, and outdated ways of working. They commit to achieving great things by delivering better outcomes.

A23. Committed to providing insights and outcomes clients need in the fast-changing dynamic of cyber threats.

The A23 ZMA (Zero Maturity Assessment): Your Roadmap to Superior Zero Trust Outcomes

From experience in implementing zero trust projects with multiple Federal Government agencies, our expert cyber security team has developed the A23 ZMA – a highly efficient assessment that unpacks the key areas of competency and need, across 7 critical Cyber Domains.

Using our unique, threat-tested Data and Analytics Engines, the ZMA provides a clear, integrated and uplift-focused review of your Cyber Maturity; and a Roadmap to achieve the maturity level your threat landscape requires.

We Use Your Current Cyber Capability to Deliver Better Outcomes.

No matter what your maturity level is, you can uplift your cyber security posture with A23. Often, this means optimisation of your existing configuration.

Via our ZMA methodology, we assess the areas of capability, and where enhancements are required, forming the recommendations and roadmap for improving your Zero posture.

We Deliver Effective Outcomes Via a Tech-Neutral Posture.

  • No two zero-trust projects will be the same, so we design, develop, and implement ‘fit-for-customer’ Zero architectures.
  • We only recommend componentry that matches our clients’ specific needs; to enhance your Zero posture and avoid undue costs or delays.

Access Best-of-Breed Partners, Vendors and Service Providers

  • We partner and collaborate with industry-leading vendors and service providers, offering innovative products, services, and capabilities to suit your specific requirements and objectives.
  • A23’s native capabilities and technology partnerships create value-for-money outcomes aligned to our ethos and vision for the future.

Keep your organisation protected.

Enterprise Networking

Dynamic Adaptability” Secure enough to be trusted, agile enough to drive transformation.

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Cyber Security

Reliable security to preserve integrity, adaptable strategies to foster growth.

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Datacentre and Platforms

Understanding and navigating the Modern Digital Maze.

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Modern Work

Enough security to maintain trust. enough agility to power change.

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